10 Zingers for (Rat-Fink) Editors Who Rejected Your Romance
Yes, fellow Romance writers, when it comes to writing novels and fuming about rejection letters, I can feel your pain. That’s why I created these 10 humorous zingers to take away the sting.
Dear Romance Novel Editor:
1. I see you’ve taken great pains to prove that the Grammar Fairy slapped you silly at birth.
2. I’m easy to get along with, once you accept that your job is to pay me a million dollars. And worship my brilliance.
3. Keep your red ink to yourself. Otherwise, I’ll write your life story — and use real names.
4. I like you. You remind me of my heroine, before she got a life.
5. It’s a thankless job, entertaining editorial nincompoops, but I’ve got a lot of Karma to burn off.
6. I shall always cherish the initial misconceptions that you had about my Romance writing. I often need a good laugh for inspiration.
7. I have plenty of talent and vision. Apparently, you weren’t blessed with the talent or vision to see them.
8. I’m not being rude. I have great sympathy for born losers.
9. I’m already visualizing, “#1 New York Times Bestselling Romance Author,” beside my name – and you searching for a new job.
10. Thank you. I’m refreshed and challenged to know that a resident of one of the hippest cities in the world can have such a myopic point of view.
By the way, Gentle Reader: If you’re considering firing off a zinger to your least favorite publishing professional, remember that the Romance-writing business is cyclical, editors have long memories and…
Success is the best revenge!
My inspiration for this post came from 25 Phrases You Wish You Could Say at Work More Often. Be sure to check them out: they’re hilarious (but slightly naughty. You’ve been warned!)
Happy writing!
Adrienne deWolfe is a #1 bestselling Romance author and fiction coach. Publishers send their up-and-coming authors to her for story help. As a result, several of Adrienne’s writing students have become #1 bestsellers, and many are consistently earning 4+ star reviews. Want to get better reviews and make money writing Romance novels? Check out Adrienne’s on-demand video courses at WriteRomanceNovels.com.
© Adrienne deWolfe. Links to this post, and short excerpts from this post, may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Adrienne deWolfe and to WriteRomanceNovelsThatSell.com, with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.